Shadow and Skulls

“Another great story in this series. It will forever be my favorit dark romance series. The way LM Terry tells the stories and back stories of each with such detail makes each one amazing. You can’t go wrong with the Rebel Skulls Series.”


Being adopted by Big Dan and Lily was the equivalent of winning the lottery. When they found me, I was like a dried-up plant that had been neglected. My leaves were brittle. My roots stunted. They took me in, pruned me, planted me in nutrient rich soil, and began to water me daily.

But as I grew, as all cared for plants do, I slowly began to outgrow my pot.

The place that had once felt so comfortable, began to press in on me. It had become so familiar, I decided I didn’t want to leave. I began to limit myself, spending more and more time in the darkness. I allowed myself just enough resources to survive, but nothing more. 

Until someone noticed.

My stalker.

And he wasn’t content watching me simply exist in the shade. 

He wanted to see me bloom.

So, he coaxed me back into the sunlight.

Now I have two options…step into growth…or step back into the shadows of safety.

Also in this series