The Dirt Road Home




The Dirt Road Home 2nd edition ~ previously published as Death and Daffodils

I thought my life was perfect. It was nothing but an illusion.

Life was supposed to go as follows:

*Graduate high school
*Move to the big city
*Graduate college
*Marry high school sweetheart
*Get dream job
*Have a baby

…and that is where everything went wrong. Terribly wrong.

So, I hung my head in defeat and took the dirt road back home.

My heart is irreparable.

The only thing on my new list is death. Each night I pray for it. But the sun never fails to rise. My pain blinds me from seeing just how beautiful the country sunrise is… until I meet him.

I begin to look at this place through new eyes… his eyes.

Who knows? Maybe we’ll both find what we’re looking for at the end of the old dirt road.


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