Saving Addy





One sin…one sin was all it took.

I ran to escape my fate only to run from one demon into the hands of another. I learned to accept my punishment. I thought I deserved it. So, I said goodbye to my past life and retreated to a place far away in my mind. My life since then has become endless days of lonely, painful and cold.

Until…I met him. I fell into the endless pool of his blue eyes. They swept me away to a place of safety and comfort.

Can I trust him?
Am I finally done paying for my sin?
Will this man be the one to bring back the magic of life?


I spent years trying to save my girlfriend from an evil man. Minutes before rescuing her she took her own life. I messed up, I couldn’t save her.

I got back on the horse and here I am attempting another rescue. Same evil man different girl. We actually got to this one in time. I’m known for being the voice of reason, evidently that is not the case anymore. I’ve gone completely bonkers. Why you ask? Well, she is…well…this is going to sound crazy…but…she is an angel. One that fell straight from Heaven and somehow landed in Hell. What’s even crazier than that? I know she was sent here for me.

Will she ever trust me?
Can I help her see that she did not deserve what happened to her?
Will I be able to show her the magic of life?

Saving Addy is the second book in the Hidden Series. It is a stand-alone novel. However, it is helpful to read Finding Anna, book one in the series before reading this one. There is no cliff-hanger. This book is a dark romance, but I promise it does have a HEA. There is no cheating in this novel. It does contain some very dark content and could possibly have triggers for some individuals.


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